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The adhesive postage stamp. The Chalmers-Hill controversy Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1891 England : [Wimbledon
The adhesive postage stamp. Petition to the Lords of H. M. Treasury for restoration of official correspondence removed by Sir Rowland Hill. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1891 England : London
The adhesive postage stamp. Removal of official documents from H. M. Treasury by Sir Rowland Hill. {Discovery of contents proving the title of James Chalmers; with letters from Mr. Rowland Hill, Mr. Wallace, M.P., Mr. Joseph Hume, M.P., and others. By P. Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1891 England : London
The Chalmers-Hill controversy. Action of Her Majesty's Treasury. {The correspondence called for and refused. Further important letter from Mr. Wallace, M.P. By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1891 England : London
The adhesive postage stamp. Petition to the Lords of H. M. Treasury for restoration of official correspondence removed by Sir Rowland Hill. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick 1891 England : London
How James Chalmers saved the penny postage scheme. {Letter of the Dundee bankers and merchants to the Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury. By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1890 England : London
How James Chalmers saved the penny postage scheme. {Letter of the Dundee bankers and merchants to the Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury. By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1890 England : London
The adhesive postage stamp. Letter to the members of the International Society of Philatelists, Dresden. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1890 England : London
Zur beleuchtung der frage über die adhesif-briefmarken. Offener brief an die Mitglieder der Internationalen Philatelistischen Gessellschaft zu Dresden. {Von P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1890 England : London
Zur beleuchtung der frage über die adhesiven briefmarken. Zuschrift an die Mitglieder der Internationalen Philatelistischen Gessellschaft zu Dresden. {Von P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1890 England : London
The origin of postage stamps. {The Chalmers craze. Memorandum. The following correspondence which has recently passed between the Lord Mayor of London (through his private Secretary) and myself, sufficiently disposes of the latest development of the Chalm Hill, Pearson 1889 England : [London
Supplement to “the origin of postage stamps”. {A paper on some newly discovered essays and proofs of postage stamps, and on some important evidence respecting the original suggestion of adhesive postage labels. Read by Mr. P. Hill before the Philatelic So Hill, Pearson 1889 England : London
Mr. John Francis, of the Athenaeum, on the plan of Sir Rowland Hill. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick 1889 England : London
James Chalmers, inventeur du timbre-poste adhésif. {Nouvelles recherches sur le projet de Sir Rowland Hill. Par P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1889 England : Londres
Mr. John Francis, of the Athenaeum, on the plan of Sir Rowland Hill. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1889 England : London
The adhesive postage stamp in America, France and Germany. Recognition of James Chalmers Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1888 England : London
Letter to George Henderson, Esq., ex-president of the Quaker City Philatelic Society, Philadelphia. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1888 England : Wimbledon
The adhesive postage stamp. Letter to the Dundee Burns Club. A reply to Mr. Pearson Hill. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1888 England : London
The Chalmers-Hill controversy. An explanation Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1888 England : Wimbledon
Le timbre-poste adhésif, etc Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1888 England : London
The origin of postage stamps. {The facts connected with their introduction to the United Kingdom. The Chalmers craze investigated. By P. Hill} Hill, Pearson 1888 England : London
The Origin of Postage Stamps. {The facts connected with their introduction into the United Kingdom. The Chalmers craze investigated. By P. Hill} Hill, Pearson 1888 England : London
The origin of postage stamps. {[Letters of P. Hill and W.A.S. Westoby]} Hill, Pearson 1888 England : [London
Memorandum. The following recent corresposdence will help to show what value should be placed on any statements put forward by Mr. Patrick Chalmers Hill, Pearson 1888 England : [London]
The adhesive postage stamp. Submission of the Sir Rowland Hill committee Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1887 England : London
Submission of the Sir Rowland Hill committee Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1887 England : London
The Philatelic Society of London and the adhesive postage stamp Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1887 England : [Wimbledon
The Philatelic Society of London and the adhesive postage stamp. Sequel Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1887 England : [Wimbledon
The American Philatelic Association and the adhesive postage stamp. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1887 England : London
The adhesive postage stamp in America, France and Germany. Recognition of James Chalmers. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1887 England : London
The adhesive stamp. Decision of the “Encyclopædia Britannica” {[J. Chalmers was the inventer of the adhesive postage stamp] ... Also papers on the penny postage reform, bequeathed by the late Sir Henry Cole ... By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1886 England : London
The adhesive stamp. Decision of the “Encyclopædia Britannica” {[J. Chalmers was the inventer of the adhesive postage stamp] ... Also papers on the penny postage reform bequeathed by the late Sir Henry Cole ... By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1886 England : London
Concealment unveiled, the Sir Rowland Hill Committee, a tale of the Mansion House. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1886 England : London
Sequel to “Concealment unveiled: a tale of the Mansion House.” {Submission of the Sir Rowland Hill committee. By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1886 England : London
Submission of the Sir Rowland Hill committee Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1886 England : London
The adhesive stamp. Important additional evidence in behalf of James Chalmers, {in papers bequeathed to the South Kensington Museum library by the late Sir Henry Cole} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1885 England : [London
The adhesive stamp. Decision of the “Encyclopaedia Britannica” {[J. Chalmers was the inventer of the adhesive postage stamp] ... Also papers on the penny postage reform bequeathed by the late Sir Henry Cole ... By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1885 England : London
James Chalmers the inventor of the “adhesive stamp,” not Sir Rowland Hill. {With a letter to H. M. Postmaster-General, and declaration to the Treasury. By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1884 England : London
A short review of the adhesive stamp. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1883 England : London
Sir Rowland Hill and James Chalmers, the inventor of the adhesive stamp. A reply to Mr. Pearson Hill. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1883 England : London
Evidence from the pamphlet, “Sir Rowland Hill and James Chalmers, the inventor of the adhesive stamp.” {By P. Chalmers, etc} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1883 England : London
Opinions from the press (fresh series) upon the letter and parcels post and the adhesive stamp. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1883 England : Wimbledon
Mr. Chalmers again Hill, Pearson 1883 England : London
The position of Sir Rowland Hill made plain. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1882 England : London
Opinions from the press upon “the penny postage scheme of 1837: was it an invention, or a copy?” {By P. Chalmers. ... A fresh and interesting statement upon the subject will shortly be issued, etc} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1882 England : London
The Chalmers-Hill controversy, 1882-94 (1884-91) [Two bound volumes of holograph letters, circulars, etc. on the invention of adhesive postage stamps] Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1882 England
The Chalmers-Hill controversy, 1882-94 (1884-91) [Two bound volumes of holograph letters, circulars, etc. on the invention of adhesive postage stamps] Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1882 England
Chalmers versus Sir Rowland Hill. {(Proceedings of the Philatelic Society of London) [additional remarks by Pearson Hill printed in red ink]} Hill, Pearson 1882 England : London
Who invented the penny postage? {[Copies of letters of P. Hill and P. Chalmers]} Hill, Pearson 1881 England : London
The adhesive stamp: a fresh chapter in the history of Post Office reform. {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1881 England : London
The penny postage scheme of 1837: was it an invention, or a copy? {By P. Chalmers} Chalmers, Patrick, Of The Oriental Club [Chalmers, Patrick] 1881 England : London