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31 Oct 2021 13:27:38
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Journal / Periodical
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November 2021; Vol: 130 Iss: 1490
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Nov 2021
Number of Pages:
Vol 130 Iss: 1490
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November 2021; Vol: 130 Iss: 1490 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 52 Size: 39 MB
November 2021; Vol: 130 Iss: 1490 (with adverts)
Buy  Pages: 52 Size: 93 MB
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Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plate 10 States of Die 1 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Johnson, F. W.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plate 10 States of Die 1 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Stone, J. M.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plate 10 States of Die 1 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Boyce, C. W.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plate 10 States of Die 1 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, R. G.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plate 10 States of Die 1 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Boyce, C. W.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Corrigenda Plates 46 & 83 'LB' Great Britain: Queen Victoria  
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 2d Blue: White Lines on the 1841 2d Blues Great Britain: Queen Victoria Lord, W. Martin
Index Line Engraved: 1855-57: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 2 Alphabet 3: Frame Breaks & Watermark: (Answers) Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiggins, W. R. D.
Index Line Engraved: 1855-57: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 2 Alphabet 3: Frame Breaks & Watermark: (Answers) Great Britain: Queen Victoria Collins, N. J.
Index Line Engraved: 1855-57: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 2 Alphabet 3: Frame Breaks & Watermark: (Answers) Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fox, M. R.
Index Line Engraved: 1855-57: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 2 Alphabet 3: Frame Breaks & Watermark: (Answers) Great Britain: Queen Victoria Williams, M. A.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 192-200: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 201-209: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 210-217: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Line Engraved: 1869: Letters in 4 corners: 2d Blue: Plates 14 and 15 No. of Sheets Printed Great Britain: Queen Victoria Scrini, G. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: 1s: Imprimaturs and the Four Extra Sheets Great Britain: Queen Victoria Johnson, F. M.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: On Laid Paper Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wood, K. J.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: On Laid Paper Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: On Laid Paper Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Duty Plate Flaws Plate 3 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Duty Plate Flaws Plate 3 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Plate 4 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Repairs Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Shades Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Somerset House Printings Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Varieties Errors & Flaws Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: The Kingsway Machine Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: The Michelius Machine Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: The Multipost Machine Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: The Rex Machine Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Mr. E. E. Wiggell Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Controls: Marginal Rules Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Bullock, V. G.
Index Miscellaneous : The J.P.S. Commemorative Cover Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Miscellaneous : KE.VII in Robson Lowe Encyclopaedia Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Special Issue: 1924: Wembley Exhibition: 1½d: Essay by E. Gill Great Britain: King George 5 (V)  
Index Special Issue: 1929: Postal Union Congress: General: Plating Single Control Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Alexander, J.
Index Special Issue: 1929: Postal Union Congress: General: K.29 Control Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kinabrew, J. M. Jr.
Index Special Issue: 1929: Postal Union Congress: ½d, 1d, 1½d: Further Notes on PUC. Issues (Varieties) Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Alexander, J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1913-34: Seahorse High Values: Seahorse Design Possible Origins Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Smith, G. W.
Index Coils: The BEAM/POKO Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Fixo Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Hadida Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Kermode Conclusion Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Machines & Their Rolls Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Michelius Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Multipost Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Stamp Rolls used in Vending Machines Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Stamping Machine: Wilkinson Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1936: 1d: Imperf 1d Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Simmons, S. L.
Index Definitive Issue: 1936: 1½d: Imperf 1½d Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Kirk, A. J.
Index Booklets: Booklet Advertising Panes Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Sanders, R.
Index Booklets: The 6d Booklet Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Sanders, R.
Index Postage Dues: Bury St. Edmunds Overprint Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Worsfield, P. C.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Decimal Points Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Barnes, A. J.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Decimal Points Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Barnes, A. J.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Decimal Points Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Barnes, A. J.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Decimal Points Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Barnes, A. J.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Decimal Points Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Barnes, A. J.
Index Special Issues: 1973: Inigo Jones : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Rosalind Dease Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: 1968/70: Stamp Booklet : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: D Gentleman Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: 1963: 9th International Lifeboat Conf. : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: D Gentleman Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: 1965: Commonwealth Arts Festival : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: D Gentleman Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Commonwealth: Part 1 British Commonwealth Catalogue: 80th Edition 1978 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: S.G. Collect British Stamps: 19th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: S.G. Collect British Stamps: 20th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index King George 5 (V): Philatelic Review Vol, 1 No. 1: Great Britain: Book Reviews Jackson
Index Queen Elizabeth 2 (II): Woodstock Catalogue of British Elizabethan Decimal Stamps: Part 1 Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Railways: An Introduction & Guide to the T.P.O.s of G.B.: Great Britain: Book Reviews Goodbody
Index Railways: The Railway T.P.Os of Great Britain & Ireland 1838-1975: Great Britain: Book Reviews Hill
Index Railways: The Royal Tour Trains, their Postal History & Postmarks: Great Britain: Book Reviews Hill
Index Miscellaneous: Post Office Guide 1977: Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: The Queen's Head of 1837 Great Britain: Book Reviews Smith, G. W.
Index Miscellaneous: General: Preparing a Display Great Britain: Book Reviews Fisher, H. W.
Index Miscellaneous: General: A Stamp to Go round Corners Great Britain: Book Reviews Huggins, A. K.
Index Miscellaneous: Society: Romano House Display Great Britain: Book Reviews Huggins, A. K.
Index Definitives: 1976: 7p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1977: 50p, 70p, 90p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Racket Sports Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Chemistry Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Silver Jubilee Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Silver Jubilee Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1977: 9p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Commonwealth Summit Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Wildlife Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Christmas Great Britain: New Issues  
Index : 1977: Air Letter Great Britain: Country Issues: Scotland  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Silver Jubilee Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Tourist Trophy Race Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1977: John Wesley Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Silver Jubilee Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1977: St. John's Ambulance Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Prehistoric Monuments Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Postage Dues: 1977: New Series Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Silver Jubilee Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1977: St. John's Ambulance Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Victoria College Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1977: Currency Reform Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index General: The Overland Mail Summer 1840: Great Britain: Postal History Hill, F. Rowland
Index Cancellations: Crown: A Crown Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Hewlett, M. R.
Index Cancellations: Crown: A Crown Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Burrows, M. J.
Index Cancellations: Circular: The Dulwich Type Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Gould, M. H.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: The Levick Rotary Obliterating Stamp Great Britain: Postal History Miles, J. W.
Index Postal Rates: Historical Background of the Postal Rates & Routes from U.K. to Italy 1855-71 : Great Britain: Postal History Moubray, J. & M.
Index Postal Rates: Great Britain: Postal History Moubray, J. & M.
Index Maritime: An Introduction to the Naval Postmarks of the 20th Century: Great Britain: Postal History Gould, M. H.
Index Maritime: An Introduction to the Naval Postmarks of the 20th Century: Great Britain: Postal History Gould, M. H.
Index Maritime: An Introduction to the Naval Postmarks of the 20th Century: Great Britain: Postal History Gould, M. H.
Index England: Manchester: Manchester Duplex Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Johnson, F. M.
Index Scotland: Edinburgh: The Edinburgh Duplex 131 Great Britain: Postal History Johnson, F. M.
Index General: A Stamp to go Round Corners: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index General: Postal Stationery News: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index General: Postal Telegraph Cards: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Jackson, H. J.
Index General: Postal Telegraph Cards: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Langmead, P.