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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July-August 1991; Vol: 100 Iss: 1183-1184
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Publication year plus 90
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Publication Place:
UK : London
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
1 Aug 1991
Number of Pages:
Vol 100 Iss: 1183-1184
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
July-August 1991; Vol: 100 Iss: 1183-1184 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 40 Size: 13 MB
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Key Words 
Article The Society's Medals 1989/90 Notices - RPSL 
Article No increase in Annual Subscription for 1992 Notices - RPSL 
Article Past-President Marriott Appointed CVO Notices - RPSL 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Programme for 1991-92 Notices - RPSL 
Article RPSL Ltd: the Expert Committee Notices - RPSL 
Article The Saint Vincent 1881 'One Penny' on 6d Surcharge PaperJaffe, Peter; Kellow, Geoffrey N ;
Article The Honorary Secretary's Report for the Season 1990-91 Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Honorary Treasurer's Report Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Society's Library Officers Reports & AGM 
Article RPSL Ltd the Expert Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Publications Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Collections Committee (Including the Forgery Collection) Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Museum and Archives Officers Reports & AGM 
Article National Postal Musuem Report for the Year 1990 Notices - General 
Article From the Archives Contributions From Geoffrey Wood, FRPSL (Assistant Archivist) Paper 
Article Indexing Periodicals Continuing the Nfs Project PaperCrane, Ian D
Article The Tapling Centenary PaperBeech, David R
Article Philatelic History: The Four Esses PaperNegus, James William
Article Violation of the Philatelic Code of Ethics of the Upu Notices - General 
Article Triloki Nath Mehta, FRPSL Obituary 
Article The German Posts in East Africa 1914-17 PaperFarrant, Michael G
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article Introduction to the Post Offices of County Clare, Ireland by John Mackey and Tony Cassidy; Fai Series 11; 96 Pages, A5 Soft Cover; Post Paid £4.90 [I£5.00; $8.00]. Book Review 
Article Postal Stationery of Ireland, by Otto Jung; Fai Series 12; 160 Pages, A3 Paperback; Post Paid £6 [£6.50; $10] Book Review 
Article Literature News Notices - General 
Article Philitex 92: International Literature Exhibition Exhibition or Show 
Article Spain: New Publication: the 'Cid' and 'Isabel' Issues Notices - General 
Article James Chalmers and the London Mail Notices - General 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article The Postal History Oftheaef, 1917-1923 (Second Edition, 1990 [A Handbook Compiled by the Wwi Aef Study Group of the War Cover Club] Edited by Theo Van Dam Book Review 
Article Indian Postal History 1873-1923 Book Review 
Article Philatelic Forgers - Their Lives and Works, by Varro E. Tyler; Revised Edition, 1991 Book Review 
Article Belgique: L'Emission Croix-Rouge De 1914 [Belgium: the Red Cross Issue of 1914} - Les Timbres Authentiques Et Faux Des Series Monument De Merode Et Effigie Du Roi Albert Book Review 
Article Uniform Fourpenny Post in Ireland, by William Kane Book Review 
Article Porte De Mar, by Karl H. Schimmer; Published by the Mexico Elmhurst Philatelic Society, Usa; 138 + VI Pages, 11 X 8V4, Limp Covers, No ISBN; $10.00. Book Review 
Article New County Representative for Wiltshire Notices - RPSL 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Membership Membership News