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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 1991; Vol: 100 Iss: 1185
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Sep 1991
Number of Pages:
Vol 100 Iss: 1185
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Associated Documents
September 1991; Vol: 100 Iss: 1185 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 32 Size: 13 MB
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Key Words 
Article Honorary Membership Membership News 
Article Forthcoming Meetings Notices - RPSL 
Article Harry C. Green, Honorary Fellow Obituary 
Article Olymphilex '92 Exhibition or Show 
Article World Exhibition of Thematic Philately: Genova '92 Exhibition or Show 
Article Philitex 92: New York 4-14 November 1992 Exhibition or Show 
Article The Stamp of Tonk PaperStaal, J. Frits
Article The Saint Vincent 1881 'One Penny' on 6d Surcharge PaperJaffe, Peter; Kellow, Geoffrey N ;
Article Philatelic History: The Four Esses PaperNegus, James William
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article Evolution of Brazilian Postal History in the Period 1798-1845 Paperde Oliveira Rosario, Iraki
Article Corrigendum Editorial 
Article Printing Inks used on British Colonial Postage Stamps PaperIdle, Hubert
Article Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 1990/91 Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Literature News Notices - General 
Article Nyrba 's Triple Crash Covers, Outlaw Flight and Its Postal Markings [Nyrba: New York, Rio & Buenos Aires Lines in c], by Julius Grigore,Jr Book Review 
Article Final Border Mail, by George Van Den Hurk; Published 1991 by the Author From Postfach 4833, 6304 Zug, Switzerland Book Review 
Article The Cancellations of the 1841 Penny Red, by Robert Danzig and David Goldsmith; Published 1991 by Philatelic Imprint, 12 Holyoake Walk, London N2 Ojx Book Review 
Article Stamps, Coins, Postcards & Related Materials - a Directory of Periodicals, by Doris Robinson: Published 1991 by the Peri Press, P.O. Box 348, Hemlock Ridge, Vorheesville, Ny 12186-0348 Book Review 
Article Selos Postals 'Palop' (Poises Africanos De Lingua Oficial Par-Tuguesa) ['Palop' Postage Stamps Oj African Territories Using Portuguese], 1991 Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons 'Collect Fungi on Stamps' Thematic Catalogue, 1St Edition 1991 Book Review 
Article Classic Us Imperforate Stamps, by Jonathan W. Rose Book Review 
Article A Handbook on Thematic Philately, by Professor V.K.. Gupta Book Review 
Article Malta Newsletter: Spring 1991 (Vol 12, No 10); Published for the Malta Study Circle by R.E. Martin, 74 Saltburn Road, Wallasey, Merseyside L45 8Jl (Membership Costs £8 P.A. and the Newsletter Is Published 3 Times a Year) Book Review 
Article Linn's Us Stamp Yearbook 1990, by George Amick Book Review 
Article Scott 1992 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, Volume 1: Usa, Un, Canada, GB & British Commonwealth Book Review 
Article Scott, 1992 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, Volume 2: European Countries <6 Colonies, in dependent Nations of Africa, Asia, Latin America A-F Book Review 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society, London List of Fellows and Members Notices - RPSL