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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 2000; Vol: 109 Iss: 1278
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Sep 2000
Number of Pages:
Vol 109 Iss: 1278
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Associated Documents
September 2000; Vol: 109 Iss: 1278 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 46 Size: 16 MB
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Key Words 
Article Temporary Closure of Society's Rooms From 5 to 10 February 2004 Notices - RPSL 
Article Saturday Opening Notices - RPSL 
Article Tasmania's Barred Numeral 67 Puzzle PaperMcNamee, David W.
Article Highlights from History: No. 28 The Society in Wartime PaperNegus, Ronald
Article Forthcoming Displays at No. 41 Notices - RPSL 
Article American Philatelic Congress Award for LP Notices - RPSL 
Article House Committee Report to AGM Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Chinese Imperial Post in Tibet PaperWong, Kin Chi Danny
Article RPSL South East Regional Meeting at Crowborough 9 August 2003 Meetings - RPSLFarrant, Michael G
Article RPSL South African Regional Meeting at Johannesburg 23 October 2003 Meetings - RPSL 
Article Letters to the Editor Correspondence 
Article Expert Committee Seek Help with Photographic Records Notices - RPSL 
Article Society Committees Notices - RPSL 
Article Society Representatives Overseas Notices - RPSL 
Article Membership News Membership News 
Article Sieger Medal Notices - General 
Article Temporary Closure of the Society's Rooms 5 to 10 February 2004 Library 
Article Donations to the Library Library 
Article Catdlogo Unificado Edifil De Sellos De Espana Y Dependencias Postales 2003 Book Review 
Article Michel Handbuch-Katalog Saar 2003 Book Review 
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Article Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue, Part 4, Benelux Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Concise Stamp Catalogue 2003 Book Review 
Article The Revenue Stamps of the Republic of Argentina Book Review 
Article Bulgaria & Romania Revenues by John Barefoot and Valentin Robu Book Review 
Article Yugoslavia Revenues Book Review 
Article Colombian State Covers Photocopies Book Review 
Article The Post-Rider, Comprehensive index to the Post Rider, Nos 1 to 50 (1977-2002) Book Review 
Article Belgium: 1935 State Seal Issue Book Review 
Article Die Privatganzsachen Irlands, Katalog and Handbuch 2003, Fai Band 25 (Irish Postal Stationery Stamped to Order) Book Review 
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Article Reference Manual of B.N.A. Fakes, Forgeries and Counterfeits Series II - Release. a Detailed Study of the B.N.A. Forgeries of Jean De Sperati Book Review 
Article Forthcoming Regional Meetings of the RPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Philatelic Events Notices - RPSL