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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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Journal / Periodical
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July-August 2002; Vol: 111 Iss: 1297
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Publication year plus 90
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UK : London
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1 Aug 2002
Number of Pages:
Vol 111 Iss: 1297
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Associated Documents
July-August 2002; Vol: 111 Iss: 1297 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 40 Size: 10 MB
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Key Words 
Article Contents Notices - General 
Article RPSL Reception at Philakorea 2002 on 6 August 2002 Notices - RPSL 
Article Notice Notices - General 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Council for the Year 2002-2003 Notices - RPSL 
Article Committees of Council 2002-2003 Notices - RPSL 
Article Membership News Membership News 
Article Annual General Meeting Held 20 June 2002 Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Distribution of London Philatelist Notices - General 
Article Letters to the Editor Correspondence 
Article Soldier's Letter From Orange River Sovereignty PaperSattin, Gerald; Drysdall, Alan R; Dickson, John N.
Article Congress Medal 2002 Membership News 
Article Sardinian Cancellations on French Stamps in Savoie PaperKurchan, Mario D.
Article Highlights from History: No. 25 Using Stamps to Advertise PaperNegus, Ronald
Article Additions to the Library May / June 2002 Notices - RPSL 
Article Editor's Note Editorial 
Article Book Reviews Notices - RPSL 
Article Pigeon Mail Through History by Salvador Bofarull Book Review 
Article Ia Catalogue of the Fiscal Stamps of Saudi Arabia by R. J Thoden. Published in 2001 by the J Author. No ISBN Book Review 
Article The Early Postal History of Saudi Arabia by Jakob Von Uexkull. Book Review 
Article By Rail in New Zealand - the Story of the Travelling Post Offices by A. B. Johnstone and R. Startup, Edited by A. P. Berry. Published in 2001 by the Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand. No ISBN Book Review 
Article Finnish Fieldposts by Les Freestone and Eric Keefe. Published in 2001 by the Scandinavia 1 Philatelic Society. ISBN 0-9523532-2-9 Book Review 
Article Le Specialise - Timbres De France 1849 -1900 Edited by P. Behr, M. Chauvet & J-F. Brun. Published in 2000 by Yvert & Tellier. ISBN 2-86814-097-1 Book Review 
Article St Petersburg: the Imperial Post - Its Postmarks and Other Postal Markings by Ian L. Baillie J and Eric G. Peel. Published for the British Society of Russian Philately by Chancery House Press. ISBN Not Known Book Review 
Article Something Funny Happened on My Way to the Rostrum by D. Geoffrey Manton. Published by Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. ISBN 095156262-2 Book Review 
Article Finland Reference Manual of Forgeries by Juhani V. Olamo, Volume 3. Published in November J 2001 by the Helsingfors Frimarkssamlare Forening R.F., Helsinki, Finland. ISBN Not Known Book Review 
Article Postal History of Pudokottai (Native and Imperial Systems) by R. Vaidyanadhan. Published I in 2000. No ISBN Book Review 
Article Soruth Handbook of Indian Philately Second Series - No. 3 by Ron Rood with Vijay Meher. J Published in 1998 by the Indian Study Circle for Philately. ISBN 1-873259-05-0 Book Review 
Article The Ottoman Field Post Offices Palestine (1914-1918) the Alexander Collection Edited by 1 Kemal Giray and Jeff Ertughrul. Published by the Oriental Philatelic Association of London and the Holyland Philatelic Society Istanbul in 2000. ISBN 975-7306-72-X Book Review 
Article The Falkland Islands - the 1891 Provisional by Malcolm Barton Book Review 
Article Postal History of the Prisoners of War and Civilian in ternees in East Asia During the Second World War, Volume 1, Singapore and Malaya 1942 -1945, the Changi Connection by David Tett. Published in 2002 by the Stuart Rossiter Trust. ISBN 0-9530004-5 Book Review 
Article Berlin 1945: Ends Und Wiederaufbau Der Post (Berlin 1945: Cessation and Rehabilitation of \ the Mail Services) by Hans-Joachim Walch. Published in 2000. No ISBN Book Review 
Article British Private Posts 1680 -1980:1971 Postal Strike Posts, Volume 8: Posts From in forum to Lymington; 1971 Postal Strike Posts, Volume 9: Posts From M to O; 1971 Postal Strike Posts, Volume 10: Posts From PTo R Compiled by Clive Smith Book Review 
Article Die Deutsche Feldpost Im Ersten Wetikrieg 1914 - 1918 - Handbuch Und Katalog by H-J. Anderson, K. Burkhardt, W. Carganico, U. Duntsch, H. Egner, B. Koop & B. Roub Book Review 
Article Estudio Del Uso Del Fechador Baeza [A Study of the Use of the Baeza Postmark] by I Antonio Valde's Y Gonzalez-Roldan. Published in 2001 by Federacion Espanola De Sociedades Filatelicas. No 15 Book Review 
Article El Correo En Navarra - Marcas Postales En Cartas Salidas De Navarra [The Mail in Navarre I - Postal Markings on Letters Originating in Navarre] by Luis Maria Marin Royo. Published in 2001 by La Fundacion Albertino De Figueiredo Para La Filatelia Book Review 
Article Storia Postale Dagli Stati Preunitari Al Regno D'Ltalia (1859-1862) [Postal History From the Pre-Uniflcation States to the Kingdom of Italy] by Luigi Sirotti in Collaboration with Girgio Colla Book Review 
Article Stamping Through Mathematics by Robin J. Wilson. Published in 2001 by Springer-Verlag. I ISBN 0-387-98949 Book Review 
Article Correio Aereo Em Portugal by Capt. F. Lemos Da Silveria Rdp. Published in 2001 by Edicoes I in apa. ISBN 972-797-010-9 Book Review 
Article Historia E Desenvolvimento Dos Correios E Das Telecomunicagoes De Macau. Vol. I - Do Correio Maritimo Ao in icio Do Periodo Adesivo (1798-1884) by Luis Virgflio De Brito Frazao Book Review 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Correction Notices - General 
Article RPSL Programme for 2002 - 2003 Notices - RPSL