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24 Dec 2018 10:46:33
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April 2009; Vol: 118 Iss: 1364
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UK : London
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1 Apr 2009
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Vol 118 Iss: 1364
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April 2009; Vol: 118 Iss: 1364 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 40 Size: 11 MB
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Key Words 
Article Society Medal Awards 2009 Notices - RPSL 
Article The 1897-98 Malformed 'S' and Repaired 'S' Flaws on Plate 2 of the Universal Postage Keyplate PaperDavis, Robin Leonard; Freeland, C A ;
Article The King George VI Large Key Type Revenue and Postage High Value Stamps 1937-1953 PaperLockton, Michael H
Article Announcement of New Members as Approved by Council Membership News 
Article Announcement of Membership Applications Membership News 
Article Deaths Membership News 
Article Additional Overseas Representatives Membership News 
Article Forthcoming Meetings at No. 41 Notices - RPSL 
Article International Exhibitions Notices - GeneralWalton, Frank Leslie
Article Letters to the Editor Correspondence 
Article Defrauding the Post in Belgium PaperStevenson, William Iain
Article Problem Cover from Western Front in France in 1918 PaperJohnson, Robert Ian
Article Great Britain Edward VII Tinted Gums 1912-1913 PaperHarris, Trevor I
Article Midpex 2009 Notices - General 
Article Forthcoming Meetings of the RPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Philatelic Events Notices - General 
Article The Present State of London by Thomas De Laune, published in 1681f PaperPemberton, Gerald Oliver
Article Catalogues Received Library 
Article Library News Library 
Article Canadian Boy Scout & Girl Guide Philatelic Catalog by Tony Manson Book Review 
Article Document Trivia of Great Britain and Ireland, Official and Unofficial Designations on paper and parchment, Costmarks by William A. Barber and A. Frank Brown Book Review 
Article Express Mail, After Packets and Late Fees in India before 1870 by Max Smith and Robert Johnson Book Review 
Article From Hinrichsen to Krag: The Experimental and Early Machine Postmarks of Germany 1866 until 1906; Von Hinrichsen bis Krag: Die frühen deutschen Versuchs- und Maschinenstempel 1866 bis 1906 by Jerry H. Miller Book Review 
Article Il Guardiano del Faro; The Lighthouse Keeper by Gaetano Allotta Book Review 
Article I - Histoire de la Communication, II - La Poste et la Philatélie à Thiers et dans sa Région; 1 - History of Communication, 2 - Post and Philately in Thiers and its surrounding region by Marcel Fillère Book Review 
Article Íslenskir Stimplat Íslendspósts HF Brúar-, Rúllu- Og Vélstimplat 1998-2007 Eftir Gest Balursson Og Þór Þorsteins; Icelandic Cancellers and Cancellations 1998-2007 by Gestur Baldursson Book Review 
Article Catalogue of pre-stamp cancellations of Galicia and of Austrian Post in the Free City of Krakow including postal history by Janusz Adamczyk Book Review 
Article Les 'Marianne de Briat', Les Tirages en Feuilles, Les Tirages pour Carnets, 1ère Partie by Société des Collectionneurs de Coins Datés et de Millésimes; The 'Marianne de Briat', sheet and booklet printing, Part 1 Book Review 
Article Miniature Messages, The Semiotics and Politics of Latin American Postage Stamps by Jack Child Book Review 
Article More than Words, Readings in Transport, Communication and the History of Postal Communication by John Willis Book Review 
Article New Zealand Paid & Official Paid Postal Datestamps by G.I. Robertson Book Review 
Article From Black to Red, Postal Franking Machines in New Zealand 1921-1967 by G.I. Robertson Book Review 
Article New Zealand Parcel Post Date-stamps & Second Class Mail Obliterations by G. I. Robertson Book Review 
Article Les Paquets Familiaux en provenance des Colonies Françaises 1940-1950; Family Packets from the French Colonies 1940-1950 by Laurent Bonnefoy Book Review 
Article The Postal Rates of the Independent State of Croatia 1941-45 Book Review 
Article Postcards of Antarctic expeditions: a catalogue 1898- 1958; Revised and updated edition by M. Wharton Book Review 
Article Postgeschichte Kaiserreich Russland, Band 1; Postal History of the Russian Empire, Volume 1 by Hans Kupec Book Review 
Article Postgeschichte Kaiserre ich Russland, Band 2, 1699-1862, Postwege und Portostufen Sonderbeförderungen; Postal History of the Russian Empire, Volume 2, 1699-1862 by Hans Kupec Book Review 
Article Postgeschichte Kaiserreich Russland, Band3, 1862-1914; Postal History of the Russian Empire, Volume 3, 1862-1914 by Hans Kupec Book Review 
Article Postgeschichte von Günzberg und seinem Landkreis, Band 1, Günzberg Stadt, Anhofen bis Gundremmingen; Postal History of Günzberg and its region, Volume 1, Günzberg Town... by Erwin Mittl Book Review 
Article Postgeschichte von Günzberg und seinem Landkreis, Band 2, Hafenbofen bis Mönstetten; Postal History of Günzberg and its region, Volume 2... by Erwin Mittl Book Review 
Article Postgeschichte von Günzberg und seinem Landkreis, Band 3, Nornheim bis Winterbach; Postal History of Günzberg and its region, Volume 3... by Erwin Mittl Book Review 
Article Rails through the Wharerata's, Railway Construction Camp Post Offices, Gisborne to Waikokopu, A History of the Post Offices at the Construction Camps on the Waikokopu - Gisborne Section of the Napier Gisborne Rail Line by R. Bruce Morrison Book Review 
Article Editor's Telephone Number LibraryWalton, Frank Leslie
Article South African Airmails by Nicholas Arrow Book Review 
Article Tasmania, The Informative and Instructional Markings by Dr. P.G.E. Reid Book Review 
Article Accounts of Meetings: Season 2008-09 Meetings - RPSL