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12 Aug 2019 14:53:55
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1984; Vol: 11 Iss: 109/Autumn
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Vol 11 Iss: 109/Autumn
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Index Ottoman covers : the interpretation of routes and rates before 1865 Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Routes & Ratesby V Denis Vandervelde ; Vandervelde, Victor D.
Index Telegram envelopes of the OETA and Mandate periods Palestine Mandate / Postal Stationery & Forms Telegram Envelopesby Michael M. Sacher ; Sacher, Michael M.
Index Coil stamps of the Palestine Mandate ; [Crown Agents records] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Coilsby N J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Combination usage of Palestine postal stationery 1943 Palestine Mandate / Army & Field Post / WWII British Army and Field Post, 1939--1948by Norman J. Collins and Maxwell Seshold ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Air accident mail to and from Palestine and Israel : part III ; [1936, 1939--1945] Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Transport Accident & Wreck Mailby Fred F. Blau ; Blau, Fred F.
Index Arab propaganda labels of the 1935--38 period Palestine / Freedonm Organisations Fatah, PFLP, DFLP, & Maxwell Seshold ; Seshold, Maxwell
Index Jerusalem : a puzzling courier cover ; June 1948 Palestine / 1948 Interim Local Stamps & Services: Jerusalemby Norman J. Collins & Zvi Alexander ; Collins, Norman J.
Index The perforation of Israel's stamps Israel / Stamps by Dr. W. Y. Loebl ; Loebl, Walter Y.
Index Tachrirat-i-muhimme (important document) : an attempted evaluation Palestine / Ottoman Postal History by Anton Steichele ; Steichele, Anton
Index A registered cover from QUART. ISRAELITE ; [R-label Steichele 4] Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Postal History & Postmarks of Jerusalemby Charles R. Tuteur ; Tuteur, Charles R.
Index Haifa : a new railway postmark 1907 ; [Hamidiye Hidjas Demiryolou] Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Travelling Post Officesby Norman J. Collins & Zvi Alexander ; Collins, Norman J.
Index E.E.F. stamps : new usages at Kelakh and Hadjin Syria & Lebanon / Stamps & Postal History Syria & Lebanonby V Denis Vandervelde ; Vandervelde, Victor D.
Index Palestine postal stationery 1927--1947 ; [Crown Agents records] ; [addenda] Palestine Mandate / Postal Stationery & Forms by N J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index U.S. Naval covers from Haifa Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Transport Ship Mail and Paquebotby Carl R. Catherman ; Catherman, Carl R.
Index Ottoman post marks of Jordan Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Postal History & Postmarks of Transjordanby Carl R. Catherman ; Catherman, Carl R.
Index Regular Mandate coils : another look Palestine Mandate / Stamps Coilsby Dr. Arthur M. Hochheiser ; Hochheiser, Arthur M.
Index For sale Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna  
Index Czechoslovak forces in Palestine : W.W. 2 Palestine Mandate / Army & Field Post / WWII British Army and Field Post, 1939--1948by B. A. Remington ; Remington, Ben A.
Index Philatelic advisors Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections N.J.C. ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Bale The Stamps Of Palestine Mandate 1984 ; [review] Palestine Mandate / Stamps N.J.C. ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Stop press ; [7 shekel standby with value omitted] Israel / Stamps Definitive Stamps & ATM[contrib: Dahlia Jacobs] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Israel : a request for information ; the first trilingual Israel obliterators of Safad Israel / Postal History & Postmarks Postmarksby Ernest C. Sterne ; Sterne, Ernest C.
Index Forgeries to defraud the Revenue 1924 Palestine Mandate / Stamps Fiscals & Miscellenea[contrib.: Nathan Bruckheimer] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Revenues : the 100 mils Revenue sideways watermark 1944 Palestine Mandate / Stamps Fiscals & Miscellenea[contrib: Dahlia Jacobs] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Revenues : traffic safety symbol revenues 1954--1973 Israel / Stamps Fiscals[contrib: Dahlia Jacobs] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Members' activities Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1981--199 
Index The exchange packet ; [abandoned for good] Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Exchange Section 
Index BAPIP postal auction Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Auction Section 
Index Post codes Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna  
Index B.A.P.I.P. publications for sale Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / BAPIP Bulletin BAPIP Bulletin: Backnumbers & Reprints 
Index Members' activities column Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna  
Index Bulletin 110 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / BAPIP Bulletin BAPIP Bulletin: Request for Contributions, Advance Items 
Index B.A.P.I.P. meetings & future programme Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Section Meetings & Programmes