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Date Loaded:
17 Jan 2020 16:55:03
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Catalogues and Trade Price Lists
Item Title:
1862 Third edition, revised and corrected, etc.
Copyright End Year:
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Crawford 1494 (3)
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Copyright = Out
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Associated Documents
 Pages: 92 Size: 2 MB
304991 Location: WPL Redwood City, CA PAM 383.2820F Binding: Spine Title:
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Key Words 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London New Honorary Librarian Notices - RPSL 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Programme for 1999-2000 Notices - RPSL 
Article Covers in Context - American History Illustrated 34: 1861-1864: Lincoln and His Cabinet PaperPaton, Ian M
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London the Honorary Secretary's Report for the Season 1998/99 Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Committee Reports for the Season 1998-99 the Honorary Treasurer's Report Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Society's Library Officers Reports & AGM 
Article RPSL Ltd: the Expert Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article RPSL Ltd Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Membership & Functions Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Collections Sub-Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The Publications Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Museum and Archives Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The House Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article The 2000 and Beyond Appeal Committee Officers Reports & AGM 
Article Display at AGM 1999 Display 
Article Covers in Context - American History Illustrated 34: 1861-1864: Lincoln and His Cabinet Exhibition or ShowPaton, Ian M
Article Reform of the Rates and Regulations Applicable to Colonial Letters: The Example of the Cape of Good Hope Mails During the Years 1840 to 1863 PaperDickson, John N.
Article Philatelic Newslines Philatelic Notes 
Article Forthcoming Events Notices - General 
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article Walton Eugene Tinsley, RDP, FRPSL 1921 -1999 Obituary 
Article Kenneth John Mcnaught, QSO, DSC, RDP, FRPSL, FRPSNZ Obituary 
Article Robert Francon, RDP, FRPSL 1932 -1999 Obituary 
Article Canada: Booze, Bills and the Law PaperSessions, David F
Article From the Editor: Some Amendments and Corrections Notices - RPSL 
Article Letters From French Prisoners of War in Britain to Addresses in Britain Notices - General 
Article RPSL Meeting of South-West Counties Members: 25 April 1999 Meetings - RPSL 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Additions to the Library Library 
Article Membership Membership News