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17 Jan 2020 16:55:03
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Journal / Periodical
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Crawford 2480 (10)
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 Pages: 26 Size: 3 MB
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Article An Area of Little or No Philatelic Importance EditorialBard, Anthony S
Article Early Letters of the World, 3000 BC to 1828 AD PaperGrimwood-Taylor, James
Article Winch Brothers: Philatelists, Stamp Specialists, Connoisseurs PaperMoorcroft, Alan
Article Three USA to Japan Combination Covers, 1875-1877 PaperKaye, Philip
Article Re: 'Bahawalpur: The 52-day Sovereign Nation Period, 14 August-5 October 1947' Correspondence 
Article Commemorative Print in Memory of our Late Patron, HM Queen Elizabeth II Correspondence 
Article The Impact of Societal and Technological Changes on the Development of Personal Printed Writing Paper in Great Britain 1800 to 1870 The Research Hub 
Article Portugal: Cancellation Anomalies during the Monarchy (1853-1908) PaperPereira, Claudino
Article Bahawalpur: The 52-Day Sovereign Nation Period - A Follow-Up PaperJaiswal, Sandeep
Article The 'Trafalgar Map' Cover PaperTodd, Gregory
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Article Forthcoming Regional Meetings of the RPSL - UK and abroad Meetings - RPSL 
Article Standing Displays at Abchurch Lane Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Philatelic Events Exhibition or Show 
Article Announcement of New Members as Approved by Council Membership News 
Article Deaths: D V Brookfield, Antonio Cuesta, Simon Greenwood, John Parmenter, John Shaw, Malcolm Suttill, Heinz Wewer Deaths 
Article Members' Successes at Recent International and National Exhibitions Membership News 
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