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17 Jan 2020 16:55:03
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Journal / Periodical
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Crawford 2488 (5)
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 Pages: 48 Size: 4 MB
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Key Words 
Article Contents Notices - General 
Article Letters to the Editor Correspondence 
Article Forthcoming Displays at No. 41 Exhibition or Show 
Article Philatelic Newslines Notices - General 
Article Forthcoming Regional Meetings of the RPSL Notices - RPSL 
Article Forthcoming Philatelic Events Notices - General 
Article The Landing of Columbus on Trinidad Shores 400th Anniversary of the Landing of Columbus at Trinidad: 1498-1898 PaperRamkissoon, Reuben A
Article Patent Office Departmental Move in 1849 PaperPaton, Ian M
Article The Royal Mail in England Between 1547 and 1635 PaperBeale, P O
Article Evaluation of Library Holdings Notices - RPSL 
Article Future Format for Advice of Library Additions Notices - RPSL 
Article Additions to the Library February 2002 Notices - RPSL 
Article Illustrated Catalogue of the Local Postal Surcharge Labels and Receipts of Hubei Province, P.R.C., Edited by Charles C. Ouyang and Zhu Hanchang Book Review 
Article Great Britain King George VI Low Value Definitive Stamps - An Illustrated Study of the Development of Their Design, by Peter Worsfold Book Review 
Article Un Correo Letal: La Carta Bomba, by Salvador Bofarull. (Lethal Post - the Letter Bomb) Book Review 
Article Ungarisch-Osterreichisches Symposium Fur Postgeschichte (Third Austro-Hungarian Postal History Conference) Book Review 
Article Bolaffi Catalogo Nazionale Del Francobolli Italiani Book Review 
Article Bolaffi in ternational Book Review 
Article Catalogues Received Library 
Article Book Reviews Library 
Article The Postal Stationery of Natal by John Dickson and Keith Hanman. Published in 2001 I by the Natal and Zululand Study Circle. ISBN 0-9540380-0-2 Book Review 
Article The Stamps and Postal History of the Solomon Islands. Illustrated Check List of \ Postal History Items of the Pre-Protectorate and the Woodford Eras. Compilation by Don Franks. Book Review 
Article De Pariteit Van Munten in De Postgeschiedenis 1700-1875 [Parity of Currencies in Postal History 1700-1875] by Leonard Hj. Janssen FRPSL, Aup Book Review 
Article Relations Aeropostales Entre L'Europe Et L'Amerique Du Nord 1919-1945 [Postal J Air Mail Connections Between Europe and North America 1919-1945] by Joseph Bergier FRPSL Book Review 
Article Los Secretos De Las Rutas Y Tarifas Aereas En Sudamerica 1928-1941 [The Secrets of Airmail Routes and Rates in South America 1928-1941] by Dr Mario D. Kurchan Book Review 
Article La Paste En Haute-Saone - Les Timbres a Date Manuels Et Leurs Precurseurs (The \ Post in Haute-Saone - Circular Hand Date Stamps and Their Precursors) by B. Augustin, M. Pontvieux and C. Saunier Book Review 
Article Rossiter Postal History Journal Volume No. 2 2001. Published by the Stuart Rossiter I Trust Fund. ISBN 1475-4274 Book Review 
Article A Review of the Overprinted Postage Due Stamps of British North Borneo (1895-\1931) by Bruce A. Marshall Book Review 
Article Display by Fellows and Members of the RPSL at Spring Stampex Exhibition or Show 
Article The Royal Philatelic Society London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Notice Notices - General