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17 Jan 2020 16:55:03
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Catalogues and Trade Price Lists
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Crawford 887 (8)
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Associated Documents
October 1995; Vol: 104 Iss: 1229 (No adverts)
Buy  Pages: 44 Size: 22 MB
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Key Words 
Article The London Philatelist Notices - General 
Article A Reminder Notices - General 
Article Forthcoming Meetings Notices - RPSL 
Article Hilda Jeidel, RDPSA, FRPSL 1906-1995 Obituary 
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Article Philatelic Newslinks Notices - General 
Article Newcastle '96 a Major New Philatelic Exhibition Notices - General 
Article Stop Press : Spring Stampex 1996 Notices - General 
Article South Africa Another Look at the Darmstadt Trial Printings of the 1d Ship Stamp PaperPage, William Alexander
Article Correspondence Correspondence 
Article New 'Royal' Publication the Postal Markings of Mandate Palestine 1917-1948 Notices - General 
Article Falkland Islands Foreign Postal Stationery and Local Use of Formula Registered Envelopes PaperSpafford, RN
Article Victoria the 'Ham' Fifth Printing of the 3d Half Length PaperCollins, NJ
Article The Crown Colony of Wei Hai Wei PaperGoodwyn, C W
Article Future FIP Exhlbitions Notices - General 
Article Finlandia '95 : a Footnote Notices - General 
Article Postgeschichte Der Deutschen Besetzung Zaras / Storia Postale Dell' Occupazione Tedesca Di Zara 1943-1944 [The Postal History of the German Occupation of Zara 1943-44] Book Review 
Article Malta - Registered, by Arthur Moyles : Study Paper No.46 Book Review 
Article Postage Due, by Arthur Moyles : Study Paper No. 5 Published 1994 Book Review 
Article Malta : Handstruck Marks of the Island Post Office Book Review 
Article Bermuda Mails to 1865 : An in ventory of the Postal Markings, by Michel Forand and Charles Freeland; Published 1995 Book Review 
Article Presidential Campaign Illustrated Envelopes and Letter Paper 1840-1872 Book Review 
Article The Catalog of Union Civil War Patriotic Covers Book Review 
Article The King George V High-Value Stamps of Bermuda 1917-1938 Book Review 
Article Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Part 1 British Commonwealth 1995 Book Review 
Article Literature Note Notices - General 
Article Additions to the Library Library