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28 Jan 2020 16:23:57
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Journal / Periodical
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March 2013; Vol: 17/1 Iss: 65
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Mar 2013
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Vol 17/1 Iss: 65
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Index CGH: Officially redirected at Cape Town South Africa Michael Hamilton
Index CGH: Transvaal and British Kaffraria South Africa Alan Drysdall
Index CGH: Question on the addition of 8d postage; letter Tarkastad 1890 South Africa Michael Hamilton
Index Natal: Natal's 1892 announcement of admission to the UPU South Africa John Dickson
Index Zululand: A Zululand Chronology 1879 to 1910 South Africa Buck Jordan
Index Natal: Postal Convention of 1877 South Africa John Dickson
Index CGH: A registered letter to Scotland in 1857 South Africa Robert Johnson
Index Natal: Updates in 2013 in SG British Empire Commonwealth catalogue South Africa Keith Klugman
Index CGH: 6d value overprinted 4 South Africa from the files
Index Natal: Natal stationmaster's manuscript cancellation South Africa Werna Seeba
Index Natal and Zululand: Feedback on revenues South Africa Members
Index CGH: Feedback and questions - cigarette duty, late use BONC, cork oblit South Africa Leon Jcabsen
Index CGH: Small places-Breede River Station, Buy's Post, Calitzdorp South Africa Joh Groenewald
Index CGH: One Halfpenny revenue stamps circa 1861 to 1864 South Africa Alan Macgregor
Index CGH: Small format Revenue Plate proof marked CANCELLED South Africa from the files
Index Natal: Five different stamps required for triple franking to Germany 1877 South Africa Keith Klugman
Index Natal: Marianhill-Trappist monastery - German East Africa POA 51 1904 South Africa Michael Hamilton
Index CGH: UPU archival markings on CGH postal stationery South Africa Peter Thy
Index CGH: 1d, 2d and 3d newspaper rates in 1860 and 1865 South Africa Robert Johnson and Spink Archive
Index CGH: One halfpenny overprint on 3d deep claret July 1882 South Africa Robert Johnson and Spink Archive
Index Natal: Feedback on KE VII postal stationery wrappers South Africa Keith Hanman
Index CGH: Hope standing - image fro a £5 banknote South Africa from the files
Index CGH: German SWA - a Sea post usage from Cape Town South Africa Werna Seeba
Index CGH: The Donald Currie service to the cape 1873-1876 [continued] South Africa John Dickson
Index Zululand and Natal: Umlulazi cds used as an arrival mark in 1907 South Africa Michael Hamilton
Index Natal: Noodsberg Road rail cds used in 1904 South Africa Michael Hamilton
Index Natal: Revenue stamps - 1886 De La Rue key plate issue South Africa Spink Archive
Index OFS: Copy correspondence relative to the accession of OFS to the UPU South Africa Richard Stroud
Index CGH: Scarce Barred Oval Numeral Cancellations with new dates South Africa Werna Seeba
Index CGH: Anglo-Boer War - problems at Clanwilliam Post Office in 1901 South Africa Richard Stroud
Index CGH: Commercial map of Cape Colony South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Book Post regulations 1866 South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Book and sample post rates in 1880 South Africa Robert Johnson