Page 4 - Russo-Persian Postal Relations
P. 4

I.A. 1                Early Russian - Persian relations                             Pre-UPU  mail
                   The earliest recorded Persian letter to Russia in private hands.  1855
     Introduction:  Russia  had  since  long  been  trading  with  northern  Persia.  As  per Turkmencha1 Treaty of 1828,
      Russia  had  he  pnviled 0 e  of  opening  consulates  at  an1  place  It  so  \\"ished.  Before  1877  Persia  had  only
      rudimentary pos  a~ services.  "v1atl  had  to  use a  couner Sy stem  o and  from  the borders for external mail
        Russian courier system used  from  Gilan to the port of Enzeli.  Forwarded by ship to Astrakhan  in the north.  See
                             postmark.  From there by the  postal  system to St Petersburg


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            c  1  ,  \\,"   ·11 1  tr  >11   •  ll'  ·(u, ~ .:111  con~ul Vttll l\\:11  u.1111.11,1\  11  (;  <111  (  . .:  Re~hll.  X.'i-1  lll  "i6 un  hellalf of hi, a~,i,tant Adolf
                   "L'   Ii-.  r,·  .111 1.:  Lutil11~  len~ubur 1--)  dl  the  A,1<1l  L"  lkpartm..:111  ul  the  \111  tr)  ul  l-or..:1~11  Affair~  in  St
                        L" l  "  11  r  'i L'll " "'Io accU1n pall)  the  l'<1l her cu1 ..:red  hu"\ .tddre,,ed lu Pri 1) (  uu nc  ur (I .ud1\ 1~ I  I en~ohur~k) .''
                            f'l1L·  d:1te  of the 1ra11,i1  in  A'trai--lta11  '13 Jul)  IXSS (Julian)

                                                                                     Ludwig Tengoborsky
                                                                                     '1793-1857  was an
                    Y. {-.                                                           economist and chair of
                                                                                     of the tariffs comm nee
                                                                                     of the Stale Council
                                          f·  ,•

                    l                                                                The wax seal reads
                                                                                      'l mpenal Russian
                    c \                                                               Consu.aLe in G1!1an
                I  ~-:  ~\                                                            BelO\\  1s  an enlarged

               ~                                                                      {  1  1 S'~c  postmark ol
                     ·.-                                                                  AsLrakhan

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