The Society is pleased to announce the short list of six from which the Crawford Medal Committee will select the 2024 winner. The winner will be announced at the end of the Crawford Festival on 26th June.


The first Crawford Medal,
awarded in 1920 to
Hugo Griebert for
“The Stamps of Spain 1850-1854”
now held at the Society in the
Spear Museum of Philatelic History


About the Crawford Medal

The Crawford Medal is a silver-gilt medal awarded for the most valuable and original contribution to the study and knowledge of philately published in book form during the relevant period. This medal is open to world-wide competition and has been awarded by the Society on 90 occasions since the first award in 1920.

The medal is named after James Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford, who by the time of his death in 1913 had amassed the greatest philatelic library of his time. The library was bequeathed in its entirety to the British Museum and is today held at the British Library in London.


The Festival

This is a free two-day event, of presentations and discussions on the theme of Philatelic Auction Catalogues, being held at the Royal Philatelic Society London at 15 Abchurch Lane.

The Crawford Festival is open to everyone, both RPSL members and non-members. The event is free to attend but tickets must be booked in advance. To book via Eventbrite, click here, or by telephone 0207 486 1044 (Option 2)

The Programme


Tuesday 25 June 2024

10:15-10:30 Coffee & Registration
10:30-10:45 Welcome from James Podger, Chairman of the RPSL Collections Committee
10:45-12:15 Karl Louis and Jonas Hällström - Stamp Auction Catalogues
12:15-13:15 John Jackson - Famous Collectors and their Collections
13:15-14:15 Lunch (Buffet lunch served in the Dr Paul Ramsey Room)
14:15-15:15 James Podger - Collecting Auction Catalogues
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 David Beech - H R Harmer London Auction House
16:30-17:00 Final thoughts for the day

Wednesday 26 June 2024

10:30-10:45 Coffee & Registration
10:45-12:00 Richard Hobbs - Use of the RPSL Library Auction Catalogue Stock as a Resource for The Mulready Caricature.
12:00-12:45 Kjell Johansen - Oslo Filatelistklubb, auctions since 1895
12:45-13:30 Steve Jarvis - Sale Catalogues in the Global Philatelic Library (GPL)
13:30-14:30 Lunch (Buffet lunch served in the Dr Paul Ramsey Room)
14:30-16:00 Auction House Discussion Panel
  Tom Fell and Josh Barber - Head of Philately (GB) - (Spink), Greg Spring - (Cavendish),
  Constanze Dennis - (Grosvenor), Jonas Hällström - (Global Philatelic Network)
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-16:45 Announcement of the winner and presentation of the Crawford Medal
16:45-17:00 Concluding remarks & save the date/topics for the next two Crawford festivals
17:00-18:00 Drinks & Nibbles


For further information you can contact us at, or contact Nicola Davies by telephone on 020 7486 1044 - select Option 2


The Shortlist

The shortlisted books are:
Portuguese India: postal history and the first issues from the ‘natives’ to 1900 by Luis & Eduardo Barreiros.
Tété Béche: rarities from the Oval-Issue of Finland by Tomas Bjäringer & Mårten Sundberg.
The postal stationery of Nigeria by Peter Hørlyck.
Internal Mail Routes of Nigeria 1900-1960, Volume 1: by Water, Rail and Air by R. F. May.
The Malayan Postal Administration in the Dutch East Indies during the Japanese Occupation 1942-1945 by J.R. van Nieuwkerk.
The Rhodesias and Nyasaland from Colonial rule to majority rule: the evolution of the mails by Brian Trotter, Pat Flanagan & Keith Harrop.


Festival Downloads:

Session 1