Page 15 - Collection
P. 15

1.2 ... which is an immediate success, the seed planted on Brownsea Island takes root and spreads worldwide

Acorn s grow into mi ghty                   COUPON-REPONSE JNTERNATJONAL
trees. The Scout Acorn
that Baden-Powe ll sowed                                  International Reply Coupon.
at Brownsea Island,
England in 1907 has                            Thls coupon can be exchaoe:ed for a postqe stamp of the value of 25 centimes
spread its branches all                 (it/td.) or the equivalent of that sum lncountric1which hav e adopted the arrangement.
over th e world .

International Reply Coupons                  Ce coupon peut ttre Ccbangt contre un Umbre-poste de Ja vnleur de 25 centimes
  were introduced in Great              ou de l'Cqulvalent de cettc somme, dnns les pays qui ont adhtrC ll l'arrangcmcnt.

Britain on I October. 1907.

  Lombard Street (London)
on the second day ofusage.

                                                --~\) -POSTAG,;_.

                                                f:=-.0 )-.,. :-:::=::

Centre shifted right.                                                                                        Centre shifted left.

                       Boy Scout and G irl G uide units were fo rmed all over England , and soon th e
                       movement fo und its way to other countri es. G irl Guidin g started in Canada
                       in 19 I0 and in U.S.A. in I9 I2. Sco utin g started in th e Netherl ands in I9 10.


                       ..JA'?. ;:L' :;7z

                       Ji_ ~,,_{_                                                                         J

                       AJFZJENJO)JE!Pl    H~ ~


                                        5 c rate for domestic postcards from I Oct. 1926 to I Sep. 1937.
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