Page 6 - Celebrating Swiss Independence
P. 6

1911                                                                       Inland and Overseas Postage

         Examples of Bundesfeier cards, used for inland postage, and uprated for the foreign postcard rate to Germany

                    1 August 1911: card addressed to Loèche-les-Bains, Canton Valais. Posted at Môtiers in the Val de
                    Travers, Canton Neuchâtel.

                             MÔTIERS dispatch cds 1.VIII.11 and LEUKERBAD receiving office cds 2.VIII.11

                    1  August  1911:  card  with  additional  5c  Tell  Boy  adhesive  making  up  the  foreign  postcard  rate.
                    Addressed to Uffing ab Hasselsee, Bavaria, and posted at Seidengasse sub-office in Zürich.
                                         ZÜRICH 2 SEIDENGASSE dispatch cds 1.VIII.11
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