Page 2 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 2

Overseas Mail to and from Scotland

                 Evidencing Migration and Trade Around the World from 1800 to 1879
           Purpose                                               Background
           T o show mail to and from Scotland while providing    Scotland lies north ofEngland and is a part of Great
           the storyline of migration and trade between Scotland   Britain.  Statistically, the population of Scotland was
           and nations around the world. The timeframe begins at   less than 10% that ofEngland.  Nineteenth Century
           1800 with Scotland under British postal authority and   Scotland was characterized by having experienced
           ends when most nations have joined the UPU.           both large scale industrialization and a great outward

                                                                 movement of population.
           What You Will See                                     Currency 12 pence ( d) =  1 shilling ( 1/-)
           Cover descriptions include rates and transit times;
           routing and markings details are indicated where
                                                                            Key items are boxed in maroon.
           significant. Social history complements the wide range
           of destinations shown.                                           Text used for storyline and quotes

                                                     Exhibit Plan
                               Scottish Migration                                 Frame 1

                                       Mail from the 1800s-1850s
                               Scottish Industries &  Trade                       Frames 2 -3
                                       Highlights industries shown by mail
                                       Mail from the 1820s- 1850s
                               Scottish Mail Around the World                     Frames 3-7
                                       Reflects migration and trade globally

                                       Mail from the  1850s-1870s

                                                                                           1 ld unpaid

                                                                                                       ~-- - t..
                                                                                                  2F.!1 /h '~

                                                                                             Tobago 25 July 1802 and
                                                                                            London transit, reverse 75%

                                       Tobago, 25 July, 1802-53 days

             Unpaid letter Edinburgh, privately carried by forwarder, "fwd. by Allan Broadrock
             Esq." 1 ld rate applied in London for inland rate via mail coach.  13 September
             London transit on reverse, 16 September 1802, Edinburgh receipt.
                    Avery early date for surviving Caribbean plantation related mail.
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