Page 97 - GB Parliamentary and Other Stories
P. 97

     "                                 From:  The  Rt.  Hon.  John  Smith,  Q.C.,  M.P.

                                                HOUSE  OF  COMMONS
                                                     LONDON  SWIA  OAA

                                                                                    23rd  November,  1992

                        M.~.  Andrew  Broughton,
                        25  Isleworth  Drive,
                        Mackworth  Estate,
                        DERBY,  DE22  4JR.

                        Dear  Mr.  Broughton,
                              Thank  you  for  the  letter  which  you  sent  to  my  wife.

                              I  enclose  herewith  the  two  House  of  Commons  crested  cards  signed
                        as  rea,uested.
                              We  do  not  at  present  have  a  suitable' photograph,  but  if you  write
                        to  me  some  time  next  year  we  should  be  in  possession  of  it,  and  I  will
                        be  glad  to  supply  it then.

                              Kindest  regards,

                                                 Yours  sincerely,

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