Page 4 - Collection
P. 4


  Its Patfi to Success


Prelude to the Great Adventure; Scouting takes Form . ..                                                             12

  I. I A Man , a Book,·an Island - The Hero of Mafeking return s to c ivi Iian Iife and conducts an experiment .
  1.2 .. . which is an immediate success, the seed planted on Brownsea Island takes root and spreads worldwide.

. .. and soon, Scouts are easily recognised by their familiar attributes; . ..                                       14

  2. 1 The Scout Uni form creates an identity and constitutes a bond of brotherhood across borders, ...
  2.2 . .. while the Scout and Guide Emblems, Salute and Hand shake are Scouting' s unifying symbols.

. .. while the Spirit of Scouting is well received, and the community embraces Scouting.                             15

3. 1 The Law, Promise and Motto represent core Scouting Values .. .
3.2 ... and St. George is the Patron Saint of Scouting exempli fy in g the virtues of a Good Scout. ...
3.3 Soon the communi ty supports Scouting; Royal approval sets an exampl e and governments fo llow their lead.

Scouting is available to all and takes many forms, .. .                                                              16

  4. 1 Scout Leaders at all leve ls work to supply a programme that enables Scouts to achieve their potential , ...
  4.2 .. . and thereby Scoutin g matches the needs and aspirati ons of alI its mem bers, young and old alike, ...
  4.3 . .. whereas Air and Sea Scouts exp lore hi gher and wider hori zons.

... and as a Scout you learn how to take care of yourself, to help and lead others; .. .                             14

  5. 1 The Patrol, Scoutin g's basic unit, allows older Scouts to take on responsibility, ...
  5.2 .. . and Scouting_provides Education for Life: Scouts train and practise through learning by doing.

. .. practised when the annual Summer Camp provides adventure and fun in a positive environment. 12

  6. 1 Carefu l preparation and robust equipment is a rec ipe for a good camp, ...
  6.2 ... and campin g is the joyous part of a Scout' s life, but yo u mu st know how to do it properly.

Character Factory: Scouting teaches good Citizenship,...                                                             14

  7. 1 A Scout 's duty is to help others: the community benefits, . ..
  7.2 ... al so in difficu lt times Scouts have deli vered the mail often at danger to themselves, ...
  7.3 .. . while it happens that Scouting is suppressed and o utlawed by war or politica l changes.

... and leads to strengthening of global friendship and Scouting brotherhood.                                         9

8. 1 International Camps promote understandin g of the larger world, ...
8.2 ... lead ing up to every fo ur years a World Scout Jamboree - the highlight of the World Scouting Ca lendar, ...
8.3 ... and World Rover Moots - older Scouts find ways of providing service.
8.4 Postlude - A Plea for th e Future: The next I00 years - Scouting deserves your support.
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