Page 8 - Lithographed Stamps of North Borneo
P. 8

The 2c brown of March 1883

       Transfers taken from the engraved die and laid down on the lithographic stone after use the stone was cleaned
       off, therefore when further printings required a new stone was laid down. Five transfers have been identified
       (A-E) the last two were for the 2 cents of 1886 perforated 14.  -

                                              First printing (Transfer 'A')
       Greyish brown, subsequent printings reddish-brown. Irregularly Perforated 11 %-12. As with all the small ship
       stamps of North Bomeo printed in sheets of 50 (S  rows of 10), no watermark. 250 sheets prepared although
       not all sent to North Bomeo. One sheet of 50 known, blocks are scarce.  Constant flaws allow stamps to be
       plated, although no obvious flaws in 19 positions out of 50 from transfer 'A'
              Positions 17 &  18 / 27 & 28                         Positions 39 & 40 /49 &  SO
            (#28:  ßaw under 'O' of BORNEO)              (# 50: the lowest Chinese character joined to frame line)

                                          Unknown position as no identifiablc flaws

                                                      Transfer 'B'
       lt and all subsequent transfers are readily identitiable from Transfer 'A' by its colour which is reddish-brown
      _ rather than greyish-brown.
                                   Block of 12 from bottom left of sheet (positions 21-44)

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